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€295.00 / 2 d
Price includes 2 persons.

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Vehkaniemen Loma- ja juhlatilainfo@vehkaniemi.fi+358 505206451Company id:1641669-2Merchant terms


Winter holiday for 2 ( + 2-5) persons, 2 nights

Accommodation in the experiential Panorama cottage, combined with the sauna facilities of the adjacent Rantasaunamökki. In winter, potable water, eco-toilets outside - we are ecological and prefer recycling. Additional beds max 2 in Panorama and 2-3 in the Beach Cottage. A 12-19 km trail starts right from the beach (open depending on the weather). A lovely excursion destination is the evening-sunny Kukkosaari lavu and campfire site just less than a kilometer away. A few kick sleds and skis can be borrowed. A clear starry sky, sometimes even the northern lights. the star Venus shines next to the moon in the evening sky.